
The California Kitchen sprang out of the remote and beautiful homelands of the Hupa people of the Hoopa Valley along the Trinity River in response to the call of respecting and protecting our relationship with water.


(Standing Rock)

Klamath Basin Tribes in relationship with the Owens Valley Tribes from Southern California came together to heed the call from the Seven Council fires at Standing Rock of the Sioux Nation. The Joseph Family are tribal members from the Klamath Basin Tribes; Hoopa, Yurok, and Karuk as well as Lone Pine Paiute Tribe in Owens Valley. ((Kathy Bancroft called her cousin Thomas Joseph and said gear up back up.)) California Kitchen is now Co-Directed by Patty and her son Thomas Joseph as an affiliate non-profit with Rogue Climate.

Remember why you’re here, remember what you came for.
— Female Water Protector , Standing Rock Sioux Tribe